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SeaEnergies is a renewable energy technology company based in Ireland. We are developing systems for both wave and tidal power conversion. The company is currently working on ocean-based pilot projects and follow-on market opportunities for its products and services.

Founded in 2008 and has since then conducted R&D and prototyping of the technology. Intial tests conducted in wave tanks have verified the energy generation potential and the suitability of SeaEnergies in converting energy source into electricity.


QUB’s world-renowned wave power research team has contributed to the development of the intial numerical and hydrodynamic modelling of SeaEnergies device.

August 2012,  The University of Strathclyde Kelvin Hydrodynamics Laboratory recently welcomed SeaEnergies wave energy device back to their wave test facility in Glasgow. SeaEnergies have successfully carried out experimental testing of a scaled model of their offshore Wave Energy Converter.

December 2012 SeaEnergies have been seclected to access the
EU’s MaRINET funding
Testing the performance of the device in realistic wave conditions (scaled to the west coast of Ireland), Mooring loads and motions will also be measured to help identify for various conditions.
Following these tests,  SeaEnergies will start planing the design of the quarter scale sea-going demonstrator at the Galway wave test site, it is planned to deploy the demonstrator at the Galway Bay Wave Energy Test Site during 2014.

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